New Ubuntu web page. Can't find FEISTY...

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Fri Mar 16 05:31:58 UTC 2007

Gilles Gravier <Gilles at> wrote:
> But Feisty COULD be downloaded easily. You went to the links on top 
> center of page. Selected "Developers" which would take you to a page 
> ( on which you could directly go to the 
> Testing Page :
> I found this thanks to the wayback archive web site.
> So now I know the direct link to Feisty downloads : 

Hey, cool, I never knew about that page !!

> I just wish it didn't take me 15 minutes of search... They are not 
> making it easy for us volunteer testers...

Oh come on ;-) I never knew about this page, yet I have never found it
difficult to test development versions.
When a development cycle starts, just look at the release schedule in
the wiki
, all the important dates are in there, so you know everything in
advance ! Then just subscribe to -ubuntu-devel-announce , and you will
get an official announcement for development releases, herds, beta, RC
and whatever is important, with a direct link to the download page.
Then, once you have installed one development snapshot, just follow the
daily uploads and their change log in -feisty-changes, and when you
spot something interesting, just click on the update manager icon to
update automatically and test the new package ! :o)


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