[Problem Found] Re: [Feisty] Today's updates (2.6.20-10) killed my nic

NoOp glgxg at mfire.com
Thu Mar 15 18:41:41 UTC 2007

On 03/15/2007 11:14 AM, Richard Mancusi wrote:
> On 3/15/07, NoOp <glgxg at mfire.com> wrote:
>> I think that "sensible" would be having the ability to remove the
>> NetworkManager Applet icon from the taskbar via the standard right-click
>> method. As it is now, you can't remove it, can't move it, can't
>> uninstall it without also removing it's ubuntu-desktop meta package.
>> Doesn't matter that the NM is for wireless networks & you may not have a
>> wireless device in your system; it just sits there taking up resources.
> You are probably correct that the "right click" method should be available.
> However, you don't need to remove ubuntu-destop meta package to
> eliminate the NetworkManager Applet.
> Simply go into System/Preferences/Sessions and uncheck it.  Logout
> and back in and it will be gone.
> -rich

Thank you!-)

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