ThinkPad T41 graphics acceleration advice

Marius Gedminas marius at
Wed Mar 14 21:05:52 UTC 2007


On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 03:50:44PM +0000, chombee wrote:
> So I do game development on Ubuntu with the game engine Panda3D:
> Nothing really fancy, fairly small and simple environments with some
> actors, some fog and lighting, collision detection, simple transparency,
> texturing, no shaders or anything like that. 
> I saw this refurb thinkpad for a pretty good price: 
> and am wondering if it's likely to do well for Panda3D development on
> linux/ubuntu. The spec is: 
> Processor Intel Mobile Pentium M at 1.6GHz 
> Memory 1GB 
> Graphics 32mb RADEON 7500 

I have a T42 with the same specs.  3D acceleration works with the free
driver.  I can run Compiz/Beryl with acceptable performance, provided
that I disable the 'blur' plugin.  Some 3D games I tried also worked.
Not all of them: scorched3d was unusable (rendering bugs).

I have experienced some problems related to video (hangs caused by bugs
in the driver; fixed later, but you never know how many there still are;
also every couple of weeks my laptop fails to resume with a blank
screen...).  I intend to look for Intel video in my next laptop.

> Any opinions? Is this likely to run Panda3D okay?

Marius Gedminas
"Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)"
(Linus Torvalds, about his failing hard drive on
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