anacron: line continuation character in anacrontab

Marius Gedminas marius at
Tue Mar 13 19:11:41 UTC 2007

On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 05:50:52PM +0000, David M wrote:
> Does anybody know what the line continuation character in anacron's 
> anacrontab file is supposed to be?
> man anacrontab (Ubuntu 6.10) says:
>     You can continue a line onto the next line by ending it with a ’´.
> Is there supposed to be a character between the two quote marks?

Yes.  You've found a bug in the manual page.  (Besides, the quote marks
are malformed -- the second one is an accute accent.)

A bug reported to would help get this fixed.

> I've tried both using both the 'quote' and the `backquote` characters as 
> the continuation character, but neither seems to work.

Backslash is the traditional line continuation character:

  30 7    * * *   root   echo pretend this is a \
                              real long command.

Marius Gedminas
> I'm not sure what makes a given poem 'modern'...

Well, one characteristic sometimes found is... to put it politely...
creative typography.  Very creative typography.
	-- Henry Spencer on the chores of typesetting modern poetry
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