Fesity: Network Manager Applet still working / needed?

Denis Witt witt at cat06.de
Tue Mar 13 10:33:04 UTC 2007

Chanchao schrieb:
> Since upgrading to Feisty, the 'NetworkManager Applet (v0.6.4) doesn't
> seem to do a whole lot anymore.  It does not list wireless networks
> anymore.  I CAN still use wireless by just configuring a network in the
> Networking control center panel.  

The network-manager only handle interfaces that are *not* configured in 
/etc/network/interfaces (as they are if you set up them with the control 
center). Maybe thats the reason why your wireless isn't shown there.

> However I cannot remove NetworkManager without it also removing 'Ubuntu
> Dekstop'. 

> What should I do?

ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage and it's not problem to remove it.

Bye for now.

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