Should I go from Dapper to Feisty? (Was Re: Camorama)

Jim Smith jim at
Mon Mar 12 23:21:29 UTC 2007

Phil Pinkerton wrote:
> Good luck Jim I hope you get your camera working soon.
> Phil
Thank you so much for your patience and advice. I took the hint and d/l
and burned the liveCD of 7.04 (Herd5). In the very short (10mins.) time
that I played with it last night I noticed that the camera worked out of
the box, I brought up Ekiga and was looking at myself in seconds. Pretty
impressive after all that mucking about. Wireless networking worked with
no hassles and I noticed that when I loaded a web page into Firefox 2.0
that it automatically fired up a pkg manager and offered to install all
the missing plugins required by that site. Windows doesn't even do
that!! If that is an example of how far Ubuntu has come in the 3 months
I've been using it I've been sold!
 In your opinion which would be the best upgrade path?
 a. Back up /home/jim, wipe partition clean and install fresh?
 b. Upgrade from CD?
 c. Upgrade using "apt-get dist-upgrade?"
Considering that Feisty is still"pre-release" How much is still broken?
I need to do some work on this machine so there has to be some continuity.
Should I wait for a possible Herd6?

Thank you again


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