Feisty's Wobbly Bits and the Albinofication of Ubuntu
Brian Fahrlander
brian at fahrlander.net
Mon Mar 12 08:41:51 UTC 2007
Hash: SHA1
Chanchao wrote:
> It happened again!! Did anyone else notice that Ubuntu is getting
> 'pinker' with every release? The Warty/Hoary release was a nice gritty
> dark brown, Breezy was caramellish, then at Dapper it got lighter still
> and now with the proposed Feisty it is clear: Ubuntu is turning
> Albino!
Well, I've gotta tell ya, I'm no fan of those dark-gritty,
can't-even-see-the-text variations that some people use (usually gamers
and grunge-rockers). But how light it goes, yeah, might be a problem.
> While pondering about how Ubuntu contracted whatever it is that Michael
> Jackson has, I stared at the desktop graphic and got this deja-vu-ish
> feeling but couldn't quite put my finger on it. Where had I seen that
> before?
Well, MJ has the puppyskin disease. Find a puppy- any color, turn
it over. Notice the almost-blue skin? Yeah, too much time petting
puppies. In fact, I understand that's why he went to Arabia; it's not
only legal, but popular there. :>
> Then the other MAIN and EXCITING new feature is that windows wobble. And
> Ubuntu now has a 'rain drops' effect on the desktop. I played around
> with this for a while, showed my wife who was equally enchanted, but
> then wondered: "* WHY * actually?" I couldn't quite answer that
> without it being a rant on 'the correction of Bug #1, (Windows
> dominance) and in order to solve that situation, Ubuntu apparently has
> to become just as big an attention-whore as OSX and Vista have become.
> So fair enough, really. :)
Yeah, those things, like the coolness of transparent windows (which
always seem to mess up my reading, so I turn it back off) are impressive
that we can do...and the wobbly windows are really cool.
But there was an even cooler idea attempted at an Arizona
university: doom-sysadmin. It was an instance of doom, where you ran
around "shooting" processes with a shotgun to kill'em, probing processes
to learn about them, and connecting with remote hosts (also running it)
were as easy as walking out a door. Very nifty. And when 3D is the
default, maybe we can all work on something like that, aye?
> I'm loving it!!!
Me, too. I can't imagine any other computer software I'd want to
run. The contributors should be very proud...and thanked more. The good
news? Since market forces never cause us to throw anything away, the
code just keeps getting better and better. Competitors will have to turn
to flash, 'cause they can't beat us on the base code.
- --
Brian Fahrländer Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
Evansville, IN http://Fahrlander.net/brian
ICQ: 5119262 AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller
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