Making .deb's

Michael R. Head burner at
Sun Mar 11 02:36:51 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 19:22 -0500, Steven Pasternak wrote:
> Hi! I have been using Ubuntu for a few months now, and it is great. I 
> came from most of the big RPM distros (Fedora/Redhat,SuSE,Mandrake), and 
> used rpm to compile and install stuff. I finally figured out how to get 
> checkinstall to build .debs, but I can't figure out how to get the 
> debian equivalent of a Source RPM, with the ./configure options. I do 
> know how to use apt-get build-dep, etc., just not how the source is 
> configured in the deb's already downloaded. If anyone knows how to find 
> it, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I'm not sure I get the entire point of your question, but as an
example, let's say I wanted to build libgpod from source. Here's what
I'd do:

$ sudo apt-get build-deb libgpod
$ apt-get -b source libgpod

If I want to modify the build some way, or see how the package was
configured, I'd then do this:
$ cd libgpod-0.3.2/debian
$ emacs rules
.. modify what I like ...
.. If I want to change the configure options, I'd add something like:
.. DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += --enable-<somefeature>
.. below the includes, but above the targets
$ emacs changelog
..  Add a new changelog entry so when I build, I get a new version on the package
$ cd ..
$ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc


> -Steven
Michael R. Head <burner at>
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