copy as root

Michael S. Peek peek at
Fri Mar 9 21:11:23 UTC 2007

John Dangler wrote:
> Wow.  8 replies, all from the same person.
> The drive I'm copying to is on a win machine.
> I don't have rsync installed.
> sudo nautilus sounds like a plan...

A word of warning -- A windows partition won't preserve your unix file 
permissions and timestamps.  This could really screw things up.  (At 
least, mine wouldn't.  I have a MP3 player w/ vfat filesystem on it, and 
all mp3's show up as 'rwxr-xr-x'.)  if you're going to copy a directory 
full of files from unix to windows, I would recommend creating a tar 
file instead:

tar -cvf /dest/dir/file.tar /source/dir

Then when you're done:

tar -xvf /dest/dir/file.tar

Michael peek

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