how to install a package from fiesty fawn in Edgy

Alan Pope alan at
Wed Mar 7 15:39:45 UTC 2007

On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 10:26:56AM -0500, H.S. wrote:
> So, in general, how do I install a package from an upstream version of 
> Ubuntu into the current stable version? I want to install some packages 
> from herd5 or Fiesty into Edgy.

Generally, don't.

Firstly feisty is still under development so you could potentially be installing broken 
packages into your Edgy install. 

Next is the problem of keeping up to date. If you install by downloading a deb from a feisty 
repo and installing manually then that package will never be updated (during the life of 
edgy) because it wasn't installed through apt-get/aptitude/synaptic from a repo they know 

Third is dependancy. If you grab a package from feisty it's entirely possible the package 
may be dependant on something else, and that on something else, and so on. So you would end 
up with multiple packages in that state mentioned above. You could also end up breaking 
packages you have installed already on edgy.

All that said, you can do it. I just wouldn't.

Another option is to grab the source and compile the package yourself on edgy. This again 
has issues with dependancy and updates that make it sub optimal.

What package(s) do you want/need from feisty?


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