package from upcoming version (herd or fiestyfawn) in Edgy

Rich Renomeron rrenomeron at
Wed Mar 7 03:15:57 UTC 2007

H.S. wrote:
> I have a Ubuntu Edgy desktop on which I would like to get the newer 
> version of Audacity. That version however is available only in newer 
> version of Ubuntu (herd5 or fiestyfawn I guess). How do I use apt-get to 
> install Audacity from these new versions? I do not want to upgrade any 
> other packages unless necessary for the newer version of audacity.
Try searching the forums or for information on the 
Backports project.  These are essentially the versions of packages from 
Feisty (or whatever the development version happens to be) built against 
the libraries in a currently-supported version.


 From the Desktop of Rich Renomeron
 Those who cannot handle the media are doomed to blame it.

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