flac to mp3

Harry L. Lee harry at jonesnose.com
Tue Mar 6 03:57:42 UTC 2007

since flac is lossless, you could simply decode it to a wav and then use an
mp3 encoder to create the mp3. A python script would be wll suited to drive
this process.
I myself am stupid and anal retentive. I rip to BOTH mp3 and wav, and keep
both (storage is cheap and getting cheaper) someone is always gonna come out
with a new compression, by keeping the wavs I can pretty much always get
there without too much effort.

On 3/5/07, Paul Kaplan <pkaplan1 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Any recommendations for a program to convert a bunch of flac audio files
> to
> mp3 format?
> Paul
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harry at jonesnose.com
Harry L Lee (via gmail)
chief cook and bottle washer
mailto:harry at jonesnose.com
207-384-8030 (email preferred)
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