All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go (Wireless USB Adapter)

Alex Janssen alex at
Sun Mar 4 20:39:09 UTC 2007

gary hypes said the following on 03/04/2007 12:02 AM:
> Room A -- PC/WinXP --> wireless router --> DSL modem --> internet, 
> works fine
> Room B -- PC/WinXP --> wireless adapter -- works fine
> Room C -- PC/Ubuntu 6.10 --> wireless adapter
> I've finally gotten my Ubuntu 6.10 system to recognize my Netgear 
> wireless adapter (as wlan0) ... and I've configured it (properly, I 
> think), DHCP, using my ISP domain ( 
> <>) as the ESSID... and I think it "sees" the 
> wireless router that's hanging off of my WinXP system in room A; under 
> "Networks" an icon pops up that says "Windows Network."
> But what I still don't have is any connectivity to the outside world. 
> I feel like I'm missing something, or haven't done something, but I 
> don't know what.
> I've tried running pppoeconf, and it sees wlan0, but it keeps coming 
> back saying something about unable to get the ISP to acknowledge the 
> Access Concentrator. Also, in past years, when I've gotten pppoeconf 
> to work over a hard NIC to the DSL modem, it prompted me for username 
> and password information -- something which is not happening with 
> pppoeconf now.
> Any suggestions? I'm getting frustrated and desperate enough to think 
> about popping $250 for Ubuntu Canonical tech support. 'Rather not, though.
> -- 
> Gary Hypes
> "Everything I know I learned at" 
What are the contents of your /etc/network/interfaces file?  The essid 
must be listed there.
The entry in mine is:
iface ath0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid stoneypoint

Looks like yours should be:
iface wlan0 inet dhcp


Charlottesville, Virginia

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