Help Ubuntu through Google :-)

Adriano Varoli Piazza moranar at
Sun Mar 4 10:46:06 UTC 2007

2007/3/4, Joel Bryan Juliano <joelbryan.juliano at>:
> IMHO Ubuntu should have a share in the pagerank for "Support" and " Linux
> Support", since majority of Linux users are Ubuntu users and Ubuntu ranks #3
> for the keyword "Linux" which doesn't quite match, really.

Do you have a link or a source for these statistics you mention? I
love Ubuntu, but I'm not quite sure all the enterprises running Linux
have switched yet from Red Hat, SuSE or Debian.

The best way to make Ubuntu more popular in pagerank listings is
making more pages about it, and linking to good pages about Ubuntu in
your own websites. Complaining to Google that our favorite distro
should have the top spot "just because" isn't going to get us anywhere
but to a false sense of security, perhaps.

Adriano Varoli Piazza
The Inside Out:

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