Network Printer Problem

Wei-Yee Chan chanweiyee at
Sat Mar 3 19:38:25 UTC 2007

Mike Adolf wrote:
> I made a browser connection to my printer using the DHCP ip assigned by
> the router.  I set the printer config using that ip and still on luck.
> There is a printer web page that allows me to set the ip configuration
> to static ip , sub mask and gateway. 
If I'm not wrong, the technician who set up your printer would already
have hard set the IP.

> I really don't want to use static
> addresses. 
U don't have to.  All U need to do is reserve that particular IP for
your printer.  If your using your router as a DHCP server, do the
necessary configuration on the router administration page to ensure that
particular IP is always available to your printer.

> Also, I can ping the printer OK. If I can ping it shouldn't
> Ubuntu cups be able to find it?
Is this printer supported by CUPS?  Do U have the necessary CUPS drivers
installed?  If so, try the CUPS administration page at


Wei-Yee Chan

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