How can I contribute?

ac "aec$news" at
Sat Jun 30 20:29:25 UTC 2007

Gene Lapointe wrote:
> I've been using Linux for about 2 years now, Ubuntu specifically for about
> 6 months.  I know a very limited amount of programming (a little c++, some
> php, and can work my way through perl).  I really want to give back to the
> community, but I don't really know how.  I was wondering if anyone has
> some suggestions to either help me learn more about programming or
> something that I can do with my current skill set to give back to the
> Ubuntu community.  Sometimes I feel like a leech just using it.  Any
> suggestions would be appreciated.

In addition to helping at your suitable level of knowledge in the 
forums and lists, or with bugs or development, you can help to spread 
the word about Ubuntu and foss generally to those people who you know 
might be interested, and more. Help one person today and they will 
help another tomorrow..... Inform one person of Ubuntu and help them 
get started, and soon they will be following in your footsteps with 
others. Then there are two of you . Then four, then 16, then.....
best wishes!

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