Feisty Fawn Installation Problems

Mike Adolf mlnx at mho.com
Wed Jun 27 17:45:42 UTC 2007

I have been using Linux for years and now my wife decided to dump
windows and asked me to install Linux on her Averatec 3150 laptop.
Great! I'll just install the same one I am using. Wrong!  I tried to
install Ubuntu 7.04. It took a long time for the live CD to boot and
when I tried to install, 40 minutes later I was on step 3 of 7.  I was
afraid to continue and let it repartition hda for a dual boot. So, I
downloaded Kubuntu 7.04. It was a little faster, but just before the CD
finished booting I got an error stating that the process that supported
the file manager died. I ended up going back to kubuntu 6.10, which
installed normally except it can not see my wireless card.

Firstly, any Ideas why the installers failed? I really would prefer
Ubuntu 7.04 which installed flawlessly on my Dell xps 410. Maybe I could
set aside a few hours and try the 7.04 installer again. Since Linux has
already been installed, maybe it won't need to repartition hda. But
maybe after it installed, it would also be slow. Who knows!

Secondly, any hints on solving the wireless problem.  Windows shows the
wireless card as "11Mbps WM 168b USB Module". Also, this might be
related. When running the kcmshell, I always get the message "Bad device
168, Major opcode 145, Minor opcode 3, but kcmshell then does what I

One more thing, in kubuntu 6.10 how do you change the grub boot order?


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