Alternate CD iso for v4.07 Ubuntu corrupt

ac "aec$news" at
Mon Jun 25 07:53:15 UTC 2007

Tom Palaskas wrote:
> My laptop is a P3 with only 256Mb RAM so it can't handle the install
> from the normal graphical CD. I downloaded the Alternate text-based CD
> iso (Ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso) and did an MD5sum verification
> using the WinMd5Sum software. The CD checked out ok on the MD5Sum hash
> taken from the Ubuntu site.  On installation however, a number of files
> on the CD turned out to be corrupt starting with the image2 file. The
> installation could not proceed as a result. I downloaded the CD from
> another computer and burnt several copies from the iso but all with the
> same result.
> Is the alternate file available from the Ubuntu download page
> i386&mirror=&debug=%5B%27country_US%27%2C+%27country_UK%27%2C+%27contine
> nt_NA%27%5D&download-button=&alternatecd=alternate corrupt?? Has anyone
> else had this problem?

I have used the alternate iso recently and it worked ok.

Try using the self check  from the CD boot menu - Check CD or similar 
option. It is slow, but it will indicate how the actual CD is working 
in the actual drive you intend to use.

I think some burns are harder (stronger) than others, and some readers 
are less sensitive than others.

Maybe try to burn quite slowly.

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