Amarok under Gnome: Revisited

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Sat Jun 23 09:50:52 UTC 2007

Hello Guys,

I am continuing to have this problem since I install Feisty, and it is
really frustrating, because I really like Amarok!

I tried a few things, but no luck:

The Problem:

After playing a few songs, usually MP3s, but also when I play OGG Vorbis, I
get an error saying there are "no audio devices found".

When I run xine-check it claims there are no plugins at all! Not input
output or otherwise.

Also, when I try to Autodetect the sound driver Amarok hangs...

Any ideas?


Amichai Rotman

UIN#: 6401746
Registered Linux User#: 201192 []
Registered Ubuntu User #12851 []




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