getting into console mode (run level)

CJ debiani386 at
Thu Jun 21 04:29:19 UTC 2007

Dave Roe wrote:
> Would someone tell me how to get into console mode on Feisty, both via
> startup or an X session?
> I thought that's what run level (telinit) 3 was for, but it takes me to the
> X login screen.
i tried the following key combonations:

ctrl + alt + F1
ctrl + alt + F2
ctrl + alt + F3
ctrl + alt + F4
ctrl + alt + F5
ctrl + alt + F6

These all got me into different run levels on the console (F1 being 
runlevel 1 and so on)

Note that the x server runs on runlevel 7, so ctrl + alt + F7 brings you 
back to the x server


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