MusicMatch Jukebox-like mp3 player...

Darryl LeCount darryl at
Wed Jun 20 14:38:13 UTC 2007

> 	Good point. With MMJB, when I rip a CD with it, it gets added to the 
> library. I can also search & add to the library. While browsing the 
> library, I can select the songs I want, add the to the playlist window, 
> and play them. I can also burn to an audio CD from there also.
> 	From the library, It can display songs grouped into a tree format by 
> Album, artist, or other fields. I can select a song (or a number of 
> songs) and edit the track info. E.g. when I need to correct the spelling 
> of an album name.
> 	The main functionality I would like to find is the display & playing 
> from the library. The rest would just be nice to have.

Well, Rhythmbox does all that except burn to a CD, and I suspect this
may change in the future given that it already interfaces with
SoundJuicer (the Ubuntu ripping program) to rip CDs and add them to the
library, so I see no reason why it can't interface with Serpentine (the
program that burns MP3s or OGGs to CDs)

Oh, it doesn't display them in a tree format either, but it does show
three seperate windows with artists, albums and songs, which you can
filter down - I find this works better. I did attempt to attach a
screenshot to show you what I mean, but given the list's 40KB message
limit it looks like you'll need to take a look at the project website
( to see what I

Someone else suggested Amarok. I've heard everyone raving on about this,
but they've been mostly Kubuntu users and I've had issues getting Amarok
to run under GNOME. You've also got XMMS but it's attempting to be a
WinAmp clone and lacks decent playlist management features.

As I say, Rhythmbox would be my recommendation. You might also like the
Jamendo functionality (read: lots of free, independent music!) that's
built in to recent versions.

>> Darryl   

Darryl LeCount
darryl at

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