ipkungfu logging not working

Noah admin2 at enabled.com
Sun Jun 17 03:14:49 UTC 2007

Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 16:57:27 -0700
> Noah <admin2 at enabled.com> wrote:
>> ipkungfu is explicitly configured for verbose logging output.  I am
>> unable to find reject packets in the syslog.
>>   Any clues what I am going wrong?
> Is the machine running ipkungfu behind a router? 


no - the linux box that ipkungfu is running on is also acting as the 
router between my private net and thr public net.

> If so you would only
> expect to see rejected packets for ports that are forwarded to that
> machine, if I understand correctly.
> For example, I use an iptables script on this machine, which is behind a
> router, but I have various ports forwarded to this machine.  I use a
> port-knocking system for certain kinds of access, so I see occasional
> random or intended hits in the logs for the relevant ports, but most
> packets originating from the Internet are dropped at the gateway ( my
> router).

what port knocking system are you using?

Is ipkungfu rejected packets ending up in your /var/log/syslog file?

> Of course if you are using ipkungfu on a dedicated router/gateway
> machine then this is not the case for you.

yup, not the case - the router beyond my linux box running ipkungfu is 
my providers router.



> Peter

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