help to install

Tony linux433 at
Sat Jun 16 13:31:55 UTC 2007

SteVe Cook wrote:
> hananiasq at wrote:
>> i downloaded a copy of the ubuntu 7.04. i burnt the cd, but my computer
>> doesn't read or notice their is a cd on the boot up.  Yes, i have it to
>> boot the cd first then the hard drive.  I tried other different linux
>> programs like Suse 10, and it does the same thing.  doesn't read the cd
>> on boot up. 
> Are you able to boot the machine from the hard disk and if so can you 
> then read the CD?  If you can't read the CD you have a hardware problem. 
>   If you can then is the machine really set to boot from the CD.  On 
> some machines you can select 2 or 3 boot devices in order, try selecting 
> the CD for all of them.
> SteVe
 Are you sure you  burned the CD right?

If you have then it maybe your hardware.

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