ipkungfu logging not working

Noah admin2 at enabled.com
Fri Jun 15 18:43:10 UTC 2007

Hi there,

ipkungfu is explicitly configured for verbose logging output.  I am
unable to find reject packets in the syslog.
  Any clues what I am going wrong?

Here is my /etc/ipkungfu/log.conf file

Syslog is running:
$ ps -uaxww | grep syslog
Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See
syslog    9963  0.0  0.0   1764   664 ?        Ss   15:23   0:00
/sbin/syslogd -u syslog
noah     10483  0.0  0.0   2876   796 pts/0    S+   21:18   0:00 grep syslog

--- snip ---

$ cat /etc/ipkungfu/log.conf
# Please read the README for more info.
# Many systems use /var/log/syslog for logging

# Logging facility to use. Default is syslog, as you
# must have ulog support in your kernel, and your
# userspace iptables, as well as have ulogd properly
# configured and running to use ulog.

# This will make a log of all new connections established
# on the external device

# This will log all new connections established on your
# internal device(s)

# Log packets that aren't caught by any specific rules

# Log port scans

# How many syslog entries per second (or minute) per rule?

# Log dropped icmp echo request packets beyond what you have
# specified in PING_FLOOD

# Log packets potentially related to a Denial of Service attack

# Log invalid packets

# Log fragmented packets

# Drop packets on these tcp ports without logging
DONT_LOG_TCP="135 137 139 6666"

# Drop packets on these udp ports without logging

--- snip ---

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