Oops! What's that? =:> Re: You got me all wrong! =?iso-8859-1?q?=3B=09-?=) => Re: Simple programming language anyone?

Ricardo C O Freitas ricardo.cofreitas at terra.com.br
Thu Jun 14 23:52:10 UTC 2007

On Thursday 14 June 2007 15:24, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Andy Harrison wrote:
> > On 6/14/07, Derek Broughton  wrote:
> >> Perl has a perldoc these days, but when I got dragged into perl
> >> programming
> >> last month, I couldn't even find an appliation to format it.  It's not
> >> only a write-only language, it seems to have developed write-only
> >> documentation!
> >

Sorry for asking but.....



Some nice soul could let me know that?
(in private if it need to be!)

Seems some kind of "F" word, or 4-letter word!



> There's no call for insults.  "perldoc" seems to be installed with perl,
> but "man perldoc" doesn't exist and:
>   $ perldoc --help
>   You need to install the perl-doc package to use this program.
> So I installed perl-doc, I still couldn't get perldoc to work (I don't know
> whether it actually installed man pages), and I gave up and removed it
> again.  Not worth the frustration.  Write-only documentation.  PEBDAP.
> > Perldoc has been around for at least a decade, so that's a little more
> > than "these days."
> Sure it is.  I _quit_ using perl way over 10 years ago.
> > Don't blame Perl the language for poorly written, unreadable Perl
> > code.
> Why not?  Some languages encourage unreadability, and perl is one of them.
> Then you have a language like python, that takes a readability enhancement
> like indentation and makes it part of the language - that's a language that
> _encourages_ readability.
> Obviously you love perl.  You're welcome to it, but don't expect anybody to
> be recommending it in a thread about simple programming languages for
> students.
> --
> derek

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