xubuntu usability (was:Re: 4 times no match md5sum Xubuntu Alternate CD)

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Thu Jun 14 15:53:28 UTC 2007

Chris wrote:
[...md5sum problems...]
> Hey guys in your opinion does Xubuntu really work well on the older PCs?
> It will not install on two older PCs if I use the Desktop CD...but with
> the Alt. CD...I think it will work fine (if I can get it!) because even
> the Kubuntu Alt. Cd worked well on an old Intel 810 chipset/Celeron
> 633Mhz with about 196MB or ram..Impressive..and that was
> Kunbuntu.....which I really love over GNOME.
> Thanks guys
> Chris

Xubuntu really rocks.

I just installed yesterday from alternate CDrom to an old Toshiba Laptop
with celeron 333, 5GB for the system and 192 MB memory.
I had to reconfigure the Xserver a few times to finally arrive at
1024x768 with depth 15, but who cares?
This machine is really workable while I cannot imagine to use a
supported version of windows on such a computer.

I also use it for an PIII 700 Notebook Thinkpad T21 with 256 MB and yes,
 it even runs a vmware server with winXP inside XFCE.

What else can you expect to from a fully supported, latest and greatest
OS that runs on hardware that you otherwise would have to throw into the

On top I think, XFCE is a great desktop, even for recent machines. I use
it on my main computer (2GB memory) now and then, when I am fed up and
want to escape the KDE overload. And yes, compared to XFCE, KDE is
really slow. Admittedly blackbox and friend are also good for this,
among others.
apt-get install xubuntu-desktop is your friend. ;-)

Kind regards

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