Again, GRUB boot floppy

Rashkae ubuntu at
Wed Jun 13 19:18:14 UTC 2007

alex wrote:

> Thanks Bruce.  I need to take some time off to study about grub boot 
> floppies a bit more.  Nothing seems to work as expected and  I need to 
> get into the basics a bit more.  I've run into problems such as 
> /etc/fstab not having entries for floppies that should be there.   Very 
> frustating......
> The funny thing is, I had no problem getting 6 different Linux systems 
> working.  They all boot and run properly but I get hung up on making a 
> boot floppy.
> alex

Maybe we're asking the wrong question... Surely there must be a 
program/script out there somewhere that creates an emergency boot floppy 
for your system?

(Sorry, no, I don't know of any off the top of my head... I don't use 
floppies at all anymore unless I'm installing Windoze)

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