Ultima actualitzacio del kernel

Lucio M Nicolosi lmario at philippe.com.br
Tue Jun 12 05:41:56 UTC 2007

Sorry for the wrong guess, of course it couldn't be Basque. Barcelona = 

My (very basic) home desktop has an old NVidia board (GeForce4 MX 440 
AGP 8x) and it works even with Beryl. It seems that Ubutu and NVidia 
drives integrate very well, only precaution needed is switching device 
to vesa before changing boards. This can also be useful if an updated 
drive freezes graphic interface. But you are right, updating a 
production machine is a risky business, better wait a couple of weeks or 

Regards from Brazil,


Walter Garcia-Fontes wrote:
> * Lucio M Nicolosi [12/06/07 02:17]:
>> Walter Garcia-Fontes wrote:
>>> Aquest cap de setmana apareix una actualitzacio del kernel, però surt
>>> com "non-authenticated" a la meva instal·lació d'Ubuntu. Aixo vol dir
>>> que tinc un repositori estrany, o és normal que surti així?
>> Uma das ultimas atualizacoes es Google Earth - nao autenticado
>> Acrescente o repositorio indicado em "software sources" e siga com
>> atualizacao.
>> Para Kernel atualize "software sources" e siga com instalacao - es 
>> autenticado.
>> (It seems basque, hope you can understand some portuguese)
>> Lucio
> Sorry for mixup with the languages, it was intended for a local list
> and thanks very much for the answer. It is Catalan, that's why you
> could understand it from Portuguese, had it been Basque it would have
> been much harder!
> Kernel updates are sort of a challenge for those of us who have Nvidia
> graphic cards. Mine is already using a legacy driver, I can live with
> the native "nv" driver but I loose 3D.

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