Sharing Bookmarks etc between 2 OS's

Ed Smits ed.smits at
Mon Jun 11 12:07:19 UTC 2007

Thanks for the tip about the mozilla profiles.ini, works perfectly for
what I want, keeps everything in sync, not just my bookmarks. I've
attached the df from both OS's, they are identical. What did you hope
or expect to see?


from Ubuntu:

edgars at manejais:/home$ df -h /home
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda4              72G   22G   51G  30% /home

>From Linux
bash-3.2$ df -h /home
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda4              72G   22G   51G  30% /home

On 6/11/07, Matthew Flaschen <matthew.flaschen at> wrote:
> Ed Smits wrote:
> > I'm trying to set up my new laptop so that it runs Feisty by default
> > with an option to boot to FC7. I've managed to get both OS's installed
> > , each has it's own 20GB / partition (reiserfs for Ubuntu, ext3 for
> > FC7) and they share an 80 GB /home partition (reiserfs), I can boot
> > between them no problem, GRUB handles it fine.
> If you have the 80 GB partition mounted as /home for both OSes, Firefox
> profiles should /already/ be stored there.  Could you paste the output
> from df on each OS?
> Also, check ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini on each OS.  They should be
> identical (assuming same mountpoints on both OS), and refer to a profile
> location on the shared partition.  If not, move the preferred profile to
> a location on the shared partition (which should be mounted as /home)
> then modify the profiles.ini files appropriately.  Do all this with
> Firefox closed, and backup both profiles first. :)
> Matt Flaschen
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