Gutsy and unauthorized updates?

Scott (angrykeyboarder) geekboy at
Sat Jun 9 13:58:19 UTC 2007

Andreas Schildbach spake thusly on 06/01/2007 05:36 AM:
> Hi everyone,
> I've upgraded my test installation from feisty to gutsy. Now, I'm 
> running into the problem that all updates are considered "unauthorized" 
> by apt-get and update-manager.
> Is this intentional for an unstable development branch, or can it be 
> considered a bug?

I think it's because you did the upgrade via an "unofficial" method. I
did the same thing and had the same problem.

Here is how I fixed it...

	$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 437D05B5
	$ gpg --export --armor 437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add -

©2007 angrykeyboarder™ & Elmer Fudd. All Wites Wesewved

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