Logwatch: how to suppress the exim section?

Adam Funk a24061 at ducksburg.com
Fri Jun 8 21:05:01 UTC 2007

On 2007-06-08, Brian Fahrlander wrote:

>     This is something I've been trying to work out for some time...these
> changes seem to work, and that's a good thing, but things like
> "-clamav-update" doesn't.
>     Is there one, sure, list of these services?

I'm not an expert, but I think that listing the contents of
(same filenames but with '.conf' suffixes) gives the answer.

On my system, I see clamav, clamav-milter and clam-update --- try the
third one?

>     (And thanks for the research!)

Thanks for the flattery!

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