Can update cause memory overloaded?

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Thu Jun 7 16:31:54 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 06 June 2007, Hai Dao Le wrote:
> I run Ubuntu in my computer in a partition of 20GB and now there is only
> 7GB free. I wonder if software update can cause my HDD overloaded in
> someday since updates coming everyday and require download and install.
> If it is possible, how can I cleanup my HDD?

Doing updates would add a little to your disk space usage but more likely you 
have another problem such as a log file growing very large.

Here is a script (I call it   bigfiles)  I use to find large files:


find $1 -mount -ls -size 40000k  | /usr/bin/sort -nr -k 6 |  more

Go to a directory like  /var    or  /tmp     and issue the script command.   
It will list the files in descending order of size including subdirectories.

Another helpful script (dirsize)  will tell you where your large directories 

usage:  dirsize  <name of directory>

echo " "
echo "MBytes"
du -hcs $*

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