Opinions learning Ubuntu/Kubuntu

Roger Neth Jr baypos at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 01:37:12 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 20:32 -0400, Chris wrote:
> Roger...really, a production PC?! I like the sound of that. How do you
> use it....professionally?  I set one of the computers up as a dual
> boot
> systems with the primary OS to be Suse Linux....well I scratched that
> idea after the problems I mentioned earlier...I would like to install
> Kubuntu or Ubuntu as the primary OS...but feel that I need to learn a
> bit more.  The things that I thought be so simple to do, I actually
> have
> to learn!  I am determined to get there through! 

Hello Chris, thanks for joining the Ubuntu Community and hope you feel

Basically I started out with Dapper Drake to test (multiple PC's at the
office running Windows and OpenBSD).

Ubuntu was surprisingly easy to use and just started playing with it,
installing peripherals and different packages from Synaptic.

Day by day, month by month, just started using Ubuntu desktop more and
more and hardly use Windows except for Proprietary programs.

It was even easy to use terminal services and smb to connect to Windows
2k3 server.

Take the plunge and enjoy learning!

Best regards,


1 John 5:7

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