Info regarding Ubuntu

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Jun 1 23:04:03 UTC 2007

On 06/01/2007 03:31 PM, Tony wrote:

> Hmm thats a good question especially since Dell is offering Ubuntu 
> pre-installed
> so maybe you are right you would think that...
> A. quote "Obviously, the in-house training isn't up to scratch" as stated or
> B. its a Joke and a poor one at that.

Perhaps on both counts. However, the OP is posting from a Dell IP and
the questions are valid. Why not just assume that it is not a joke and
reply (or remain silent) in the 'Ubuntu' way? Besides, the responses do
provide good information that the OP and others on this list may/will
find useful in the future :-)

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