How to fix error messages when starting OpenOffice oowriter.

Larry Alkoff labradley at
Sun Jul 29 03:28:37 UTC 2007

NoOp wrote:
> On 07/28/2007 05:08 PM, Larry Alkoff wrote:
>> I am getting the following error messages when I try to open ooWriter in 
>> Kununtu Feisty Fawn from a konsole window.  Is there any way to 
>> eliminate these errors?
>> Someone on the OpenOffice list told me it was a (K)ubuntu problem.
>> Possibly something to do with finding a font that is called forl.
>> I'd appreciate any help on tracking it down.
>> Larry
> That was me :-) Hopefully someone here w/kubuntu can help figure this
> out (I have the Gnome desktop). Do you get the same messages when
> starting any other application from konsole?

Hi NoOp.  I knew it was you of course but don't like to mention peoples 
names without checking with them.

I do not get the same messages from any other app except the OO like 
oodraw and oocalc.


Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Linux

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