Ubuntu (7.04) doesn't find WinXP machine

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jul 28 21:36:54 UTC 2007

On 07/28/2007 01:34 PM, jurgen.romer at jippii.fi wrote:
>> Jürgen Römer wrote:
>>> I have switched to Ubuntu and I'm happy with it. The only problem
>>> is the network. I have one Vista-computer, 2 XP:s and one Win98.
>>> The network is working through an ADSL modem/router. With only
>>> Windows-workstations the network worked fine (except Vista). The
>>> IP-numbers are given automatically by the broadband operator.
>>> Now that I have an Ubuntu-workstation, it cannot find the other
>>> ones (occasionally it finds Vista, usually not). I have
>>> configured Samba according to instructions. I'm able to find the
>>> Ubuntu from the XP:s with the IP-number (which varies at least
>>> daily) , but I can't see the Ubuntu with the others in the
>>> "workgroup" window. From Ubuntu I can't find any other
>>> workstations no matter how and in which way I try.
> Thanks for the advice.
> My router is also the ADSL modem, and it seems not to be safe to turn
>  the firewalls off permanently, or?
> I tried it anyway with no luck. The workstations still do not see
> each other in the network (Ubuntu: in "Places" - "Network" - "Windows
>  network"; I don't know the proper headings, because my FEisty is in
>  Finnish). Pinging works fine, so there has to be some connection.
> Jurgen

Are they all configured for the same "workgroup"? I've found that
setting them all to the same workgroup name (i.e., MSHOME or WORKGROUP
etc) helps.

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