Older Computers

SteVe Cook yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Sat Jul 28 15:45:21 UTC 2007

Pete Holsberg wrote:
> SteVe Cook keyed the following on 7/28/2007 10:54 AM:
>> Pete Holsberg wrote:
>>> I'm thinking about trying to convince the people in my over-55 community 
>>> to think of Linux when they buy their next computer.
>>> Is it safe to say that all 2007 desktop computers with wired Ethernet 
>>> will have no problems with (K)Ubuntu?
>>> Is it safe to say that even older ones with wired Ethernet will have no 
>>> problems?
>> Yes no maybe. :-)
> I asked just two questions, SteVe. ;-)
3 answers for the price of 2 :-)


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