Skype for Linux

ABD Computer Installations admin at
Fri Jul 27 23:52:12 UTC 2007


I have both vers with and without QT on a resource server if
you are interested.



On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 23:01 +0000, Rein Mann wrote:
> Rein Mann <reica <at>> writes:
> > 
> > would anyone know where I can find a .deb package of Skype version 1.3.0 ?
> > The latest version is very hard to install in ubuntu 6.06
> > Rein
> > 
> Nobody has really answered my question: where can I find skype 1.3.0.
> I know all about dependencies and have skype running on feisty and dapper on
> other  machines.
> Version 1.3.0 can be installed on 6.06 LTS without problems.
> So finding a .deb package for 1.3.0 is the way to go.
> Or making a .deb package from the existing one.(lot of work too)
> Or muck around installing the right versions of dedendencies for skype 1.4 
> So thanks anyway.
> Rein

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