There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon.

Jack Carter jjcarter68 at
Thu Jul 26 08:20:16 UTC 2007

I have a multiboot computer. 3 phyical hard drives. Ubuntu on one, Xandros on one, Windows XP on the other.

Ubuntu worked fine for several months. now about every other time I bootup I get a warning window. It says:

There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon.
Some things, such as themes, sounds, or background settings may not work correctly
The last error message was:
Activation of org.gnome.SettingsDaemon timed out
GNOME will still try to restart the settings Daemon next time you log in.

Some of the icons are different, its so bad I have to reboot. It started about 6 weeks ago.

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