which ubuntu

deepak deepak.babel at laposte.net
Wed Jul 25 11:06:54 UTC 2007

I have found the 64bit version to be significantly and noticeably faster.

My rig:
Opteron 165 on ASUS A8NE-SLI Deluxe, 2 GB RAM, NVIDIA 7300 GT

Scott (angrykeyboarder) wrote:
> Markus Schönhaber spake thusly on 212003864 ::
>> Darryl LeCount schrieb:
>>> There is no specific Intel 64-bit version - the generic 64-bit version
>>> is the AMD64 version. However, if you're planning on easily using Flash
>>> or WINE then I would recommend you stick with the 32-bit version.
>> Using nspluginwrapper one can get flash working on AMD64 quite easily.
>> Moreover, there's the option to use a 32-bit browser.
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#amd64andppc
> I've got a 64-bit CPU and ran 64-bit Linux for a while. I got tired of
> all the hoops you had to jump through to get stuff working, when it
> "just worked" (by comparison) in 32-bit.
> Then there is the problem of packages that only come in 32-bit versions,
> period (no, I'm not talking about Flash - Sun's web browser plugin for
> Java is another as well - but I'm not referring to it either). There are
> a number of programs out there that are 32-bit only.  This is software
> you don't find in the official Ubuntu repositories.
> I got tired of it and went back to 32-bit and I've not noticed one bit
> of difference performance wise.  But then, I've only got 2GB of RAM and
> you need 4 or more for there to be any noticeable difference with a
> 64-bit vs. 32-bit CPU.
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