which ubuntu

ari sarkar ari_sarkar_1980 at yahoo.co.in
Mon Jul 23 15:13:56 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 10:15 +0200, Markus Schönhaber wrote:
> Darryl LeCount schrieb:
> > There is no specific Intel 64-bit version - the generic 64-bit version
> > is the AMD64 version. However, if you're planning on easily using Flash
> > or WINE then I would recommend you stick with the 32-bit version.
> Using nspluginwrapper one can get flash working on AMD64 quite easily.
> Moreover, there's the option to use a 32-bit browser.

I am using 64bit ubuntu 7.04. If recommend you to try 64bit. it's faster
than 32 bit.
installing flash/java, wine - all are easy.
I'm a java developer. I use 32bit java with eclipse. no preoblem with

I followed this thread from official forum for installing everything.
everything worked perfectly as described.

Ari Sarkar
Kolkata, India

Ubuntu - x64 edition

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