Converting from desktop to server?

Rich Carreiro rlcarr at
Sun Jul 22 18:08:01 UTC 2007

I have a remote (in a colo) server running Ubuntu 6.06LTS.
It originally ran 5.04 (which was only what would now be called
"desktop") but has been upgraded over time.  I don't need all the
desktop stuff and if I were installing from scratch I'd install
a server distribution.

So, is there any way to convert from the desktop distro to 
the serve distro?  I realize I can just start uninstalling
desktop-related packages, but (especially for a remote system)
I'm worried that I might end up leaving it in a state where
a future upgrade would fail because I didn't remove everything
I needed to, or removed too much, etc.

Rich Carreiro                            rlcarr at

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