6.06LTS upgrades down the road

Rich Carreiro rlcarr at rlcarr.com
Sun Jul 22 17:58:17 UTC 2007

Has Canonical indicated if there will be any kind of "shortcut"
upgrade to the then-current release for those who stay with
6.06LTS for years?  Or will people still have to go through
all the intervening upgrades?

That would appear problematic, since judging by at least 5.10,
there's no guarantee a release will be available once it is
end-of-lifed.  And if you have to upgrade through all intervening
releases and stay with 6.06LTS for its whole 5-year lifetime,
you might not be able to upgrade to the current release because
some of the intervening releases might be missing.

Rich Carreiro                            rlcarr at rlcarr.com

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