acpi / thinkpad questions

Bill Moseley moseley at
Sun Jul 22 14:54:58 UTC 2007

On Sun, Jul 22, 2007 at 09:57:44AM +0200, Pelle wrote:
> a lot of the thinkpad specials are well documented and explained at the
> thinkwiki site ( regarding your specific
> request, see the section on "special keys".

Yes, I have been looking at Thinkwiki quite a bit.  It's just a bit
confusing to read articles about the need to enable items that are
already working on my laptop.  Make me wonder if they still apply.

I need to spend some time and understand how keys are mapped to
actions/programs and how acpi managed keyboard actions fit into it, as
well.  Just need to find docs that are still relevant.

Bill Moseley
moseley at

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