
sktsee sktsee at
Fri Jul 20 18:45:43 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-07-20 at 17:17 +0200, Luca Dionisi wrote: 
> On 7/16/07, sktsee <sktsee at> wrote:
> > Try deleting the files in the directory ~/.nautilus/metafiles. Or simply
> > rename them if you feel more comfortable. I've never had any problems
> > just deleting them since they get recreated anyway. Once you do that,
> > then restart your session and the trash applet should work normally.
> I will try.
> But I don't get why it should help.
> When I drop (GUI) files into trash, the files actually end up in ~/.Trash/
> so I think the association already works... or I don't guess right what the
> meaning of this ~/.nautilus/metafiles really is?
> --Luca

~/.nautilus/metafiles is where nautilus stores information about files
and directories that have had emblems and notes attached to them by the
user. If you don't use either type of metafile info, they're safe to
delete. If you do use emblems, or notes, then rename or move them
somewhere else temporarily.

Now, what does this have do with the trashapplet? Beats me. I'll
willingly concede that it may be entirely coincidental, but everytime
the trashapplet has stopped working on my system, there has been a file
like "file:%2F%2F%2Fhome%2Fsktsee%2F.Trash.xml" present in the metafiles
directory. It pops in there from time to time even though there is no
metafile information attached to the directory. Cleaning it out and then
restarting my session usually works, though not 100% of the time. On
occasion, I've had to remove and then re-add the trashapplet, and even
restart GDM to get it working again. But, as best as I can recollect,
I've always had to remove that particular .Trash.xml file before any of
the other stuff worked. YMMV.


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