Internet Exploder functionality

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Jul 19 15:16:17 UTC 2007

Rapael Morcha wrote:

> Have you considered konqueror ?
> I know of a website, that does exactly the same on FF, Opera etc... but
> works on Konqueror & ies4Linux. 

That's pretty rare.  It's not unreasonable to treat Konqueror as the gold
standard, as by all accounts it's the most W3C compliant, but the whole
reason why so much works only on IE is that it is usually not programmed to

> I've notified the webmaster but as all 
> the brain dead webmasters out there, he doesn't seem to care and btw this
> is a corporate website I am talking out.

In defense of the brain-dead - we are rarely being paid to fix stuff after
the fact.  That project's over and nobody wants us to put more time into
it.  If it works on IE, the bosses are usually happy.

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