setting up a serial network for my old laptops
debiani386 at
Wed Jul 18 04:29:42 UTC 2007
Vitaly Babiy wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-07-17 at 21:25 -0600, cj wrote:
>> Brian McKee wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2007-14-07 at 20:40 -0600, cj wrote:
>>>> Hi all
>>>> I was away for quite a while setting up my server computer. All i need
>>>> to do now is set up a serial network so i can interface this computer
>>>> with my old laptop. Im just wondering, how do i set one up so i can
>>>> connect to this computer via DCC?
>>> I'm not sure what you mean by DCC, but as far as getting a serial
>>> connection - just start a getty on ttyS0. In dapper there's even an
>>> example in the /etc/inittab file ready to be uncommented.
>>> If you're using a more recent Ubuntu take a look at the archives. I saw
>>> a thread here this month discussing how to do it with upstart...
>>> HTH
>>> Brian
>>> PS If you wanted a network over serial connection that's doable too -
>>> take a look around for ppp how-tos. More complicated to set up without
>>> a lot of gain if all you need is a command line interface.
>>> PPS If anybody is in Central Ontario and wants some genuine serial
>>> terminals I can arrange that :-)
>> ok getty didnt work. getty didnt return an error message, but my win95
>> machine isnt connecting. im sure that teh cable is ok and both my serial
>> ports are functioning fine. Direct cable connection is ok too
>> --cj
> Do you have to use Serial cable? Why not just use crossover network wire
> and set up 2 static IP's and use scp or rsync to transfer data ( do what
> ever you need).
i use a serial cable because my old 486 laptop does not come with a NIC.
i looked for a docking station for my laptop, but the docking station
didnt have a NIC
I looked for a NIC that would be compatible with it, but those are
extremely hard to come across (mainly because my PCMCIA is very old
(type I i believe) and i dont know if it even works)
and no vendors around here have crossover parallel, so i chose serial.
i know i couldve gone to ebay and got me a crossover parallel, but i
figured that i wouldnt have to wait so long for the cable to come in if
i were to purchase from a local vendor
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