Program to Merge two partitions???

Macario Valle macariov at
Sun Jul 15 12:15:51 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-07-15 at 10:37 +0100, ubuntu-users-request at
> > I would like to add the 120GB partition to my Home drive without 
> > damaging my data.
> > 
> > I would preferably like to use a free program within the
> repositories. 
> > I.E. not partition magic, though it would do the job.
> > 
> > anybody know of anything???
>   Does GParted allow the growing of file systems?  If so you could
> boot
> the live/CD and with the /home not mounted delete the second partition
> and then have GParted grow the /home. 

I can testify that Gparted does do all of the above.  I just dis that
last night.  i had two ext3 partitions and a swap on my hard drive.  I
deleted the second, empty, ext3 partition, then moved the swap to the
end of the drive and extended my primary partition to use the rest of
the drive.  After abour half an hour all came back successfull.  I used
a livecd to do this.  When all looked correctly i rebooted to the HD and
all has been fine and dandy since.

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