Cannot install GRUB fatal error

Matthew Clarke mj3clark at
Sat Jul 14 21:15:54 UTC 2007

On 7/14/07, Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at> wrote:
> On Saturday 14 July 2007, Matthew Clarke wrote:
> I think you're wrong here....  The /boot partition has little to do with the
> INITIAL parts of the boot process and it can be almost anywhere.
> It is the MBR (master boot record) which starts off the boot process and this
> normally resides on the first few sectors of sda...   or hda.
> The MBR would contain the stage1 of grub and that stage would have the
> information as to where /boot/grub resides.   It goes there to get stage2 of
> grub and the boot process really begins....

Yep that's how I understand it as well, however stage2 was crapping
out on me with an Grub Error 17 -- bad news.  I moved the put a
separate /boot partition on sda drive and all was well...

So I can't say WHY, but the location of the /boot partition did in
fact matter.  The reason I tried it is because I read on a few sites
(can't cite right now...) that you should have /root on the same drive
as the MBR.


Matthew Clarke

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