Tips for slow internet access user

Jared Kimber zipycomputers at
Sat Jul 14 18:05:36 UTC 2007

So from what I get from your message, Your trying to update Ubuntu 7.04 but you can't or don't want to do it over the internet on your desktop computer because of the speeds of downloading. If what I just said is true you can burn the software from your laptop (that you download off of the internet) to a cd or dvd and then put it into your desktop and install it that way. 

----- Original Message ----
From: H.S. <hs.samix at>
To: ubuntu-users at
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 11:34:57 AM
Subject: Re: Tips for slow internet access user

Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> Hello all,
> Internet connection in my country is quite expensive, so not everybody has a 
> broadband. 
> I am a RH/Suse users for so many years and now I've been exploring Ubuntu. The 
> experience so far has been awesome! I like it.
> However, since Ubuntu is a single CD distro, many times it needs to download 
> additional packages from the internet. Fine, I can do this from the office 
> because it has fast internet access. 
> However,
> I have a desktop PC at home. I want to install Feisty on it. My question is: 
> Can I "use/transfered" the packages that I have downloaded using synaptic on 
> my notebook AT the OFFICE for my desktop PC at HOME? How? I notice that 
> downloaded packages are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives? I understand that 
> we can use the command dpkg to install from file, but what if a package needs 
> lots of dependencies?
> Any tips are appreciated. Thank you.

Yes, the good people at Debian have already done this:

Ubuntu has the same package I suppose.


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